๐ฃ Unlock unbeatable savings in your supply chain with our expert course!
What you'll get in this course:
- The exact tools we have used to achieve an average of 5% supplier spend reduction (and a high of 22% cost reduction!)
- A path to generate significant cost reduction opportunities
- Contextual theory with highly actionable guidance over 5 hours of video lessons
- "The Play Book" - all of the tools, templates and processes you need. Build this up as you progress.
- Significant value over cost
๐ The Course Overview:
This comprehensive course equips your company and buyers with the necessary tools to drive cost reductions in a sustainable manner. Divided into four main modules, it covers every aspect of the cost reduction process and how to put in place collaborative long term reductions with your suppliers.
๐ธ Section 1: The Data - Collecting and Analyzing
Learn what data to collect, how to gather it, and how to perform initial analysis. Master the art of transforming raw data into actionable insights.
๐ธ Section 2: The Options - Unlocking Cost Reduction Levers
Delve into an in-depth review of the three categories and ten levers that can significantly reduce costs. Discover how to apply them, when to use them, and the essential tools required for implementation. Gain detailed frameworks for prioritizing approaches with vendors.
๐ธ Section 3: The Preparation - Optimizing Approaches
Understand how to optimize your approach with suppliers, seek internal stakeholder approval, and embed the sourcing process within your organization. Learn about the suite of tools that can streamline your cost reduction efforts.
๐ธ Section 4: Engage and Follow Through - Maximizing Results
Uncover strategies for engaging your suppliers effectively, establishing a clear governance structure, and implementing a project management office (PMO) to fully realize the potential of cost reductions.